PRESENTATION (23/12/2020 - 30/12/2020)

Assalamualaikum and Good evening everyone
Dr. Sharina inform us that we will have an international webinar

During the Webinar
During the Webinar.

On 23/12/2020 we also had presentations for the other group member, and then after a few presentations, we have a special international webinar "Visiting Lecturer" with University Duta Bangsa. The title is "Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Graduate: Experience from Malaysia and Indonesia"

30/12/2020 remark our last journey presentation with Dr. Sharina and Madam Maimunah to present on our research project of Customer satisfaction E-groceries services during new normal post covid. We would like to give big gratitude to our lecturer and our group for doing a good and great job. Kudos guys 👍👍👍

we are really happy we can successfully finish our research report based on the dateline given, even we had still many to improve and lots of comment from Madam Maimunah and Dr. Sharina but we will take it as an improvement, motivation and do our best on our next research paper. 

Since we are the last group, there is lots of advice from Dr. sharina on how to improve our research paper and pursue our Master's next. Try and error, do lots of homework, never give up, and always keep working every single day. we really hope our research paper able to publish in the Scopus journal. Thank you once again for this big opportunity, until we meet again. 

Recheck and edit research paper

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone 💙💙💙

Before this, we had a class with Dr. which she checks one by one group on the research paper that all of us made but surprisingly we are the first group that she called to check our paper. We are glad that Dr. checks our research paper before we submit the real one and there are many corrections that we must make. After class, my group had a meeting to distribute task where everyone needs to edit and redo back their part. 

This is our framework on our research paper.

On 23/12/2020- 30/12/2020 we had our real presentation online so before the dateline, everyone had been given their work and task to present on their own slide. Generally, our group is well prepared and we hope our presentation will run smoothly and successfully. wish us all the best guys 😊😊


 Assalamualaikum Everyone 

Today we would like to share about the writing for Q1 Journal from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roslina Ab. Wahid a senior lecturer from UiTM. 

Dr. Sharina shares this webinar in our group WhatsApp to let us join this for our learning since we are doing our own research now to gain more knowledge.

During the season, the presenter shows us about all her journal 'Q1 PUBLICATION LIST' that she already did. It was really good because she willing to share all her experience and skills in Q1 journal. 
List of things she shares during the season

1. What is Q1 Journal?
2. Scimago journal ranking
3. What makes you write (Motivation for writing)
4. What kills motivation for writing
5. Before writing an article (what to write?)
6. Before writing an article (check references list, themes, authors guideline & submission requirement)
7. Tips for good writing (Use heading, one idea in one paragraph, write short sentences, use short words & write a clear sentence, avoid wordiness)
8. Where do I begin? (Introduction & background) must be generally/specified.
9. Literature Review (Systematic, Logical flow, update)
10.Methodology (How? who?, approach & strategy eg; qualitative & quantitative. Technique, comprehensive)
11.Findings (Result, must tell your story in details, present the right amount of data to support research story)
12. Discussion & Conclusion (Discuss correspondent, lesson learned, what conclusion can be made from the result?)
13. Preparing for submission (meticulously, multiple drafts to achieve a high standard, prepare to pass initial screening)
14. During review & submission (Improve & looking at others perspective, carefully worded, explain, be polite & professional.)
15. A little note... ( Title of your paper! manuscript, not more than 15 words, Abstract must limit words, Eg; purpose, design, methodology/approach, findings, originality, value, keywords depends on the journals need to follow journal guidelines)
16. References between 25-40

At the end of the season, the presenter gives support to everyone who is currently doing any kind of journal. Thankyou Assoc. Prof. Dr Roslina Ab. Wahid a senior lecturer from UiTM. 

There is a Q&A session and Farra manages to join this "Writing for Q1 Journal that was organized by Dr. Che Rosmawati Che Mat from UNIKL BIS. I would say that this is very good for learning to sharpen our skills. Even the others lecturer said they are satisfied and Dr.Sharina also feel inspired by the presenter. I feel glad my lecturer Dr. Sharina for sharing the links in the WhatsApp group. Thank you so much Dr!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😄😄😄😄

Meeting Final with group member (4/12/20)

Assalamualaikum and Good Evening  💛💙💛💙


Hello guys, tonight we have our final meeting before we compile our report research. This week are really hectic for us since we are in final year we need also to focus on other assignment and internship. We make a meeting to compile our idea together on discussion. what we can observe is teamwork is really important everyone need to participate to work together and finished before the date line. to me our group is really the most wonderful and always participate in the meeting and others. I really happy since all of our report are 99% complete and we just need to make a small edit before we submit to Dr before this Monday. Wish us luck guys, keep supporting us in the future. 

LOVE YOU XOXO 💘💙💘💙💘💙💘💙


Assalamualaikum and Good Morning guys. 💗

So today we have a second class during our mid seam break, and yesterday we had a webinar on e-commerce in the new normal from our lecturer and other international speakers also. Today Dr asked us for our experience and comment on a flaw from the webinar, so this is the conclusion comment from the student and Dr. 

- The team should be attractive enough for you to attract the crowd

- Date and time must be convenient for the speaker able to join. 

- To address the team you should identify the good speaker, the speaker should have knowledge and idea. Importantly authority to speak about the topic too has someone relevant to talk about the team

- Has good presentation skills, what you said must be clear, make the crowd follow and understand our content. be able to catch the attention of the audience. the content should relate the team

- In choosing the speaker we must choose from the industry or academic background so they can address different issues. 

- When we get the best speaker when the audience asks questions they can answer us more. 

- Share more about the biodata so people will know and trust towards the speaker because biodata is important to create credentials for peoples.

- Minimize risk is by doing good preparation from start to the end. the organizer should explain what the speaker should tell to the team. 


Assalamualaikum and Good evening 💘

On 1st December we had an online webinar which is "Seminar E-commerce In the New Normal". All students must participated in the webinar. There are lots of talented people from different industry and country which Dr Genius Umar from Indonesia. From here we get lots of knowledge from different country on how they adapt the e-commerce in the new normal.

From the webinar, we have our lecturer from UniKL which are the coordinator Dr Ilham and Dr Sherry. The first speaker is our lovely Dr Sherry which she shares lots on how tourism apply e-commerce during the new normal. 

The use of e-commerce in tourism they are 3 points from our Dr. Sherry which seeks out for information, purchase product and services and obtain an opinion from others. We know that nowadays tourism is impacted badly by the pandemic covid-19 so they need to adapt to the new normal by using the online platform to attract customers.

From the next speaker, we have Hani the international speaker, He shares the digital partners of her company. there are lots of e-commerce that they apply to the company. 

In conclusion, we gain lots of information and know the international speaker which they share about their company adaptation and also other speaker shares their opinion. Students are able to ask the question to the speaker also.