Assalamualaikum and hello everyone !! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Today we would like to share our journey updating on our Assignment that has been given to us. So basically we have 4 members all together which are Azliyana, Anis, Farra, and Zakwan. They are really helpful and hardworking as we work together to make sure that our assignment finishes on the dateline given. For the first task, we divide one task for one member which Zakwan will be doing the introduction for the research, Farra and Anis doing problem statement and research objective and research question, meanwhile Azliyana will be doing theoretical framework, hypothesis, and theory. Every day we will update on our task in our own group. 

Next task, Dr. Sherry ask us to find 30 articles for the literature review, so we dividing each of us has to find 8 articles so it will easier for us to make research and know on the past research. 

and for the last task right now since our independent variable has 4 so we diving each of us to take one independent variable and make an essay and research on the variable, as we can see Azliyana will be doing product quality, Anis will be doing Safety, Farra on sales service and lastly Zakwan on Information. Each and every day we will update if we have finished on our own task. 

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