(21/10/2020) FOURTH CLASS

Assalamualaikum and Hello Everyone 😘😘😘 


So every Wednesday we have our Seminar class on 9:30am to 1:00pm with our lovely Dr Sherry, so today we have class with Dr the topic for today she revised with us is on literature review and she asked one by one for the question she given. Basically the literature review was the revision from previous lesson since we have study from our third class before. The question that Dr asked us was " what is the main purpose of literature review", "the difference between primary sources and secondary sources", "what is underpinning theory" and lastly is "the difference between dependent variable and independent variable".

After that Dr asked us to move to the next stage which is doing the questionnaire for our research, and she explained one by one on how to do the questionnaire. so basically what she told us is questionnaire have 2 part which are section A and Section B and for section A its mostly on demographic question such as name, gender, salary, gender and others. and for section B more into our dependent variable and independent variable. so each of variable must be at least 5-6 question. since we have 4 independent variable so my group decided to divide task which one person take one variable and make questionnaire and for dependent variable my group do it together. 

Today our class end early since Dr want us to meet our own group and discuss to proceed on the next step which do the questionnaire since we have finished all the task that Dr given before. That all for today, see you guys on next blog. 

                                                                                       Muah xoxo 👄


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