Class with Dr Sherry and Madam Maimunah

Hello and Good morning readers 💓💗💓💗

Assalamualaikum and hello guys ! we meet again for today lesson and class with Dr Sherry (25/11/2020). Today is the best lesson I guess since we have outside guest which is Madam Maimunah that will teach us on the quantitative data regarding on the conducting research of our results. 

Basically on the diagram, Dr teach us on this Smart PLS, which we have the green one is independent variable and the right on is dependent variable. The yellow table will be our item which is the questionnaire based on the variable. The arrow shows us that the independent variable has a relation with dependent variable. The closer to 1 the strong the relationship 


This is the summary of the hypothesis testing which in our research paper we have the H1,H2.H3 and so on this is to know that our perception meet or not with the hypothesis testing is it positive or negative effect. As a example H1: there is a positive effect of perceived ease of use on online purchase intention. 

Dr. Sherry and Madam Maimunah also teach us the important part in conducting data which are Correlation and Regression. 

On the correlation, its mean that the direction, strength of the relationship among all variables. correlation is we want to know how strong the relationship between 2 variables which is Iv and Dv. The closer to the 1 the strong the relationship. If the results are negative then just let it be so it shows that there is no relationship and it's real. 

Lastly, on regression which we know that the reliability test is to validate the reliability of the items in the questionnaire as the measurement as an example using Cronbach Alpha. Dr Sherry said, if it above 0.8 very good, if below 0.6 is not reliable. if it is below 0.6 what we need to do is adjust or take out the question. This regression will show on the scatterplot graph which the Y is for the dependent variable meanwhile X for an independent variable.  

Meeting after mid sem break


Hello and Good Morning everyone 😍😍😍

After one week mid sem break we meet again for our meeting since we have divide each of us to do their part in the research which is Anis on methodology, Azliyana on demographic meanwhile Farra and Zakwan they working together to do the smart pls and Spss. Its really good since we sharing our ideas together, zakwan and farra teach azliyana and anis how do they conducting the data since they familiar with the apps. After one hour brainstorming and teaching each other, we go through the research paper in order to correct if there's is wrong or not fully written. Teamwork is really important and we do it together without doing a free rider this is important to make sure we can present well and understand our research paper very well. Good job guys ! 💪 we did pretty well and never give up. Thats all from us, see you guys next week 

                                                                                      XOXO love you guys 💓💓💓

Week 6 (4/11/20)

 Hello everyone, Good morning 💕💕💕

Hope you guys have a wonderful and great day today ! 😍😍😍 so its already November guys and we are on week 6 😨😨😨😨 time flies so fast. so today class Dr teach us on Data collection and sampling strategy. so basically it teach us on how to collect data, know our population is it we used probability or non probability. so we study most of the important thing on how to collecting data. To conclude all after we learn from this chapter we know how to collect data from our population and it is not easy as we think. Hopefully our questionnaire runs well after we blast it later. Pray for us guys. see ya next week.

      Below is our questionnaire on google form.

                                                                          XOXO muahh muahh 💝💝💝