MEETING (24/10/20)
Second meeting with Azliyana, Farra, Anis and Zakwan 👫👬 |
Brainstorming and Important notes on our meeting 😖😖 |
Helloooooo everyonee !😍 how's your felling today ? is it good , we hope you have a great and wonderful day today so do we. Today we just wanna share with you guys we had our second meeting after our fourth class end. so as you guys read from my previous blog, we had been asked to move on our next part which is QUESTIONARE 😱😱😱 its quite hectic day today but yeah we still never give up in order to make sure we finish our assignment based on the date line given.
In our meeting we have Azliyana, Farra, Anis and Zakwan. 👫👭 we divide our task each of every person make 6 questionnaire for the independent variable. we guide each of us on how to do the questionnaire and as you can see from the image we jot down all the notes that Dr gives us and what's important things to make the research that we do are really perfectly approved by our own lecturer. We really support each other to make sure that we do our job and never leave behind. This Friday we had our next meeting to show our progress on questionnaire and literature metric. hope everything going well and wish the best for us guys. See you on our next post. bye bye 👍
Muahh XOXO 👄
(21/10/2020) FOURTH CLASS
After that Dr asked us to move to the next stage which is doing the questionnaire for our research, and she explained one by one on how to do the questionnaire. so basically what she told us is questionnaire have 2 part which are section A and Section B and for section A its mostly on demographic question such as name, gender, salary, gender and others. and for section B more into our dependent variable and independent variable. so each of variable must be at least 5-6 question. since we have 4 independent variable so my group decided to divide task which one person take one variable and make questionnaire and for dependent variable my group do it together.
Today our class end early since Dr want us to meet our own group and discuss to proceed on the next step which do the questionnaire since we have finished all the task that Dr given before. That all for today, see you guys on next blog.
Muah xoxo 👄
Assalamualaikum and hello everyone !! 💗💗💗
Today we would like to share our journey updating on our Assignment that has been given to us. So basically we have 4 members all together which are Azliyana, Anis, Farra, and Zakwan. They are really helpful and hardworking as we work together to make sure that our assignment finishes on the dateline given. For the first task, we divide one task for one member which Zakwan will be doing the introduction for the research, Farra and Anis doing problem statement and research objective and research question, meanwhile Azliyana will be doing theoretical framework, hypothesis, and theory. Every day we will update on our task in our own group.